DIY Tutorial: How to Make DIY Lip Scrub, 2 Ways, in 2 Minutes

Learn to make all-natural (and effective) Sugar Cookie & Lemon Drop Lip Scrubs with ingredients that may already be in your kitchen with our DIY Lib Scrub Tutorial! Make your lips soft with these great tasting recipes.

Total Supply Cost: $0 (we already had these supplies!)
Total Time: 2 Minutes Each

Sugar Cookie Lip Scrub Ingredients:
2 Tsp Brown Sugar
1 Tsp Coconut Oil
1 Tsp Honey
2 Drops Vanilla Extract (Optional)

Lemon Drop Lip Scrub Ingredients:
1 Tsp Cane Sugar
1 Tsp Olive Oil
1/2 Tsp Honey
3 Drops Lemon Oil ($6.99 Amazon –

Cute Lil Pots:
25 Pack (SO great for travel too! ($8.99 Amazon-